Why Travel Matters in Huntsville, AL
We pass popular tourist sites like Huntsville, The Rocket City, every day; we may not even think of how it supports our community. But U.S. [...]
The Art of Storytelling: Connecting with your Online Audience
No matter how hard people try, effective communication is often a huge struggle. The effects of this can lead to lost business opportunity, broken relationships, [...]
Joseph Dabbs Completes STS Marketing College, Earns ‘Travel Marketing Professional’ Certification
BIRMINGHAM, AL (March 2019) – Joseph Dabbs, Senior Director at Advance Travel & Tourism has completed the three-year program of the Southeast Tourism Society Marketing [...]
Leveraging Location-Based Advertising Technology
Location-based advertising, also called geotargeting or geofencing, has changed the way local businesses can reach potential customers who are quite literally steps away from their [...]
Connected TV Ad Requests Skyrocketed In 2018
As any observer of the connected TV landscape would tell you, the platform was ripe for growth in 2018. New data from the video supply [...]
Southern Vacation Rentals Named Winner of the HomeAway Hero Award
Southern Recognized as a Hero in the Vacation Rental Industry by Online Marketplace Pensacola, FL – November 2018 / Newsmaker Alert / HomeAway recently named Southern Vacation [...]