Advance Travel and Tourism partnered with long time client Visit Vicksburg to assist in the transition to their new responsive website.

The Goal

• Transition website without sacrificing search engine rankings and placement
• Keep existing search engine dominance for relevant keywords
• Increase site traffic from qualified travel audience
• Educate previous and new travelers on the improved website, and functionality of the ‘favorites’ application on the site

The Strategy

Advance Travel and Tourism team developed a comprehensive SEO strategy to conserve all website equity as well as a multi-touchpoint campaign to promote the new site and enhancements to their current and prospective customer base.
• SEO site migration plan
• Highly-targeted display campaign to news and travel sites
• Video creation and promotion through YouTube, Facebook, and responsive rich media ads
• A targeted email campaign to their current email database
• Sponsored content to educate new consumers on their site


• Over 1,500 hours of total exposure time via the targeted display campaign
• The unique video promoting the ‘favorites’ application resulted in 40,886 completed video views and 1,550 clicks to the website, with users spending over 1:15 minutes on the site
• Direct traffic to the website increased 308.64% year over year
• Organic search traffic increased 24.39% year over year
• Social site referrals increased 93.49% year over year

Reach out to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts

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